Making Money Online – Does It Really Work?

onlineincome2It’s time to separate the myths from the facts and answer the question – how does making money online really work? It’s important to understand that there are several ways this can be approached, but this article will focus on the basic process.

There are 4 essential steps to making money online: 1) Choose An Interest, 2) Build a Website, 3) Get Visitors and 4) Earn Revenue.


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Step No. 1 – Choose An Interest

Make Money Selling Pet ProductsFirst and foremost, you have to find a niche subject that interests you. It’s ideal if you are passionate and knowledgeable about the topic, because it will help to really connect with visitors and others who share your passion.

The deeper you can delve into a topic the better.

For example, starting a pet nutrition site with detailed information about keeping pets healthy should be quite popular.

Step No. 2 – Build Website

In order to get your interest online and to start making money through it, you’ll need to BUILD A WEBSITE. Once again, there are several ways this can be approached.

Thanks to platforms such as WordPress it’s very easy to buy a domain, get it onto a server, and then use the WP platform to build the site without the need to use code.

pet supplements

However, if you want to avoid these little technical details you can hire a designer to handle it for you. Despite how easy it might be to a start a site, not everyone wants to go through the struggle of getting it all set up.

Consider your site the base of operations. All your posts, pictures and videos will go on there and hopefully create a user interest.

Step No. 3 – Get Rankings And Visitors

This is one of the tougher steps, because it requires some research. For example, the keywords you are going to use will play a vital part in how high you rank on search engines.  Using our recommended keyword research tool, we see that there are people searching for information on pet nutrition.


Original and quality content will also contribute to your mission, along with other media forms. In fact, there are several elements that go with search engine optimization, so familiarize yourself with the right tactics.

In terms of generating traffic, see it as going out onto the street and handing out flyers. The only difference is you’ll be doing guest blogs, social media posts and if you have a small budget, paid advertising. Basically you want to spread the link to your site as far as possible while creating some interest.

Step No. 4 – Earn Revenue

 Ads on Your Site

Now for the best part of having a website, which is making money. One of the most popular ways to do this is by showing ads on your site. You can either approach companies such as Google Adsense, the best paying advertising company around, or you can sell ad space adsense

Every company will have different terms and conditions. Some only pay for clicks while others will pay simply for the amount of people who see the ad. The reason why this option is so popular is because you only have to focus on the content that goes on your site. You don’t have to worry about actually selling something.

Affiliate Marketing

affiliate-marketingThe second most popular option is becoming an affiliate marketer.

This means you’ll be featuring links of products on your site, and if somebody clicks on the links and buys the product you get a share of the profit.

The possibility for making more money is great with this option, but it’s also more challenging.


Last but not least, you can sell products directly from your site.

However, it will require a lot more technical skill, because your site will have to be based on an ecommerce system, such as Amazon.

Some Final Thoughts – Let Me Help!

In conclusion, it really is possible to make money online. But keep your expectations realistic and remember that the competition is tough. Those who usually succeed are those who keep trying and have help.

Come join me for FREE where you can obtain all the training, tools and support needed to drive your passion into profits on the internet.  No credit card is needed.


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